Corporate Escape
Organizezi o PETRECERE CORPORATE sau planuiesti un TEAM BUILDING pentru echipa ta? Vrei sa traiti impreuna experienta aceluiasi joc de Escape desi ai o echipa numeroasa? Atunci vino la singurele Challenge Rooms din Romania! Va așteapta o misiune unica si plina de adrenalina, in care doar ambitia, atentia si lucrul în echipa va pot conduce catre succes. Demonstrati-va calitatile de team players in modulul ”Fairplay” sau luati-va adversarii prin surprindere in modulul „Sabotaj”.
Scrie-ne un e-mail la si lasa-ne sa-ti organizam un team building memorabil!
Cu o experienta de peste 10 ani in organizari de evenimente si team buildings, echipa The Codex te poate ajuta sa creezi experiente de neuitat pentru clientii companiei tale sau pentru colegii tai. Putem dezvolta jocuri personalizate de tip Escape Room pentru lansari de produse si servicii, petreceri corporate sau evenimente de motivare a fortei interne.
Avem programe gandite special pentru team building-uri de pana la 400 de persoane si posibilitatea de a customiza orice concept in baza brief-ului si a preferintelor companiei tale.
Am realizat deja proiecte de succes pentru multinaționale, agentii de publicitate si companii specializate in implementarea de evenimente. Trimite-ne brieful companiei tale sau cere prezentarea noastra de credentials pe
Vrei sa-ti deschizi propriul escape room? Esti in cautarea unor concepte, decoruri sau puzzle-uri speciale? Iti doresti sa cumperi o camera de-a gata sau cauti ajutor doar pentru un puzzle anume? Contacteaza-ne si da-ne mai multe detalii despre proiectul tau pe! Te putem ajuta sa creezi si/ sau sa implementezi un scenariu unic pentru camera ta!
The Codex este creatorul primelor Challenge Rooms din lume – un escape room combinat cu un joc de strategie, care se bucura deja de un succes aparte pe piata de escape-uri. Daca esti interesat de implementarea unui astfel de joc in localitatea ta, contacteaza-ne!
Are you planning a corporate party or a team building for you and your colleagues? You have a large team but you’d want all people to have the exact same experience/ game?
Then come try the only Challenge Rooms in Romania! You’ll face a unique and adrenaline filled mission, where your ambition, attention and team work will play a paramount role in your success. Prove your team player abilities in the “Fair-play” game mode or surprise your opponents with the “Sabotage” game mode.
It’s your daughter’s/ son’s birthday? Is she/ he older than 12 but younger than 18? Are children playgrounds obsolete but you feel like it’s too soon for club/ bar parties?
Then throw them an escape party!
We guarantee and extremely fun and entertaining experience, and we offer specially designated areas for food & cake serving plus tons of surprises for your kid and his/ her guests!
With more than 10 years of experience in advertising and event planning, our team can help you create incredible experiences for your clients and/ or colleagues. We develop customized escape games for product launches, conferences,, corporate events ad team buildings. We have specially designed games that can accommodate up to 400 people and we offer the possibility to tailor any concept/ theme on a given brief.
We have already developed and implemented highly appreciated game experiences for several multinational companies, advertising agencies and some of the best team building firms. Send us your brief or ask for our credentials at .
Are you interested in opening your own escape room? Are you looking for concepts, decorations, props or special puzzle ideas? Do you want to purchase a completely packaged escape room or maybe you are just shopping for a particular puzzle/ challenge idea? Then contact us at and we will do our best to meet -and exceed- your demands at very cost-efficient fees.
The Codex is the sole creator of the first Challenge Rooms in the world – a real life escape game combined with a strategic board game. This concept has the highest request rate and it received amazing reviews. If you are interested in purchasing this game or the base concept, write us an e-mail at .